Awesome Chiropractic Care Blog
Welcome To iWorld
There is a tremendous amount of wisdom that we have inside of ourselves that we can benefit from if we take a moment to stop and recognize it. Chiropractors, working with the body instead of trying to “treat” it, are naturally good at recognizing this wisdom lurking within us.
Balance Is The Key
Life is a balancing act. Chiropractors recognize that there is a balancing act between different forces on us both from outside and inside of our bodies. A fascinating aspect of our bodies is that there are forces that build our body up and forces that break us down.
Hypo and Hyper Movement
Chiropractors have a unique skill in the world of health care. Unique in that it is not found in any other area of health care or practitioner.
Practitioners of all sorts may assess movement, strength, and pain, but there is one thing they do not do. Outside of chiropractors, that is.
Crunches Never Again
Life is about our daily habits that make us who we are. The other aspect to regular habits is they also create the opportunity for dynamic breakthroughs. The wisdom of our bodies responds very strongly to our regular, daily habits. Think of any time when you had a regular routine – either filled with good habits or bad. The daily workout of a bodybuilder or the 16 hour computer routine of a professional game player will show the results of consistent patterns of behavior over time, the longer we do them. Just like our lives can end up being defined by what we do with regularity, for both good and bad, the same goes for the body.
Call Your Mom
Everything we experience in life is experienced through our brain and nervous system. It is strange when we stop to think about it, but we don’t see reality exactly how it is, we see how it impacts our bodies. And that impact becomes known to us by our nervous system. At a fundamental level, we see a representation of the world around us through how it is absorbed and processed by our bodies, and the part of our body that does that is our brain.
Ouch Take A Painkiller
Health is a game of spirals. Meaning that once your health starts moving in a direction, it is much easier to spiral up or down in that same direction. No matter which direction, once you start going one direction it is easier to keep going – either getting healthier or getting sick.